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The Sacred 52 year Calendar Round

Updated on May 16, 2012

Pivotal events in art and pictures

Columbus had to struggle in order to get the support to find India via the western route. When he did, he landed in Cuba in 1492 and a new era opened. 10 calendar rounds later and a new cycle is commencing.
Columbus had to struggle in order to get the support to find India via the western route. When he did, he landed in Cuba in 1492 and a new era opened. 10 calendar rounds later and a new cycle is commencing. | Source
470 years ago, the Indian Wars began on the banks of the Tennessee River and were to spread out from there all over north America.
470 years ago, the Indian Wars began on the banks of the Tennessee River and were to spread out from there all over north America. | Source
In 1587, Roanoke was the first English settlement, but it mysteriously disappeared. Admittedly, this was seven years before the calendar round, but it lead the way to Plymouth Rock.
In 1587, Roanoke was the first English settlement, but it mysteriously disappeared. Admittedly, this was seven years before the calendar round, but it lead the way to Plymouth Rock. | Source
This is the actual rock with the date carved on it. With the foundation of the Plymouth Rock Colony, the British established a beach head in N. America. The real start of conquest can be measured from here. This is 4 years from the b'ak'tun start.
This is the actual rock with the date carved on it. With the foundation of the Plymouth Rock Colony, the British established a beach head in N. America. The real start of conquest can be measured from here. This is 4 years from the b'ak'tun start. | Source
New Amsterdam was a Holland new world fort when the British took over and renamed it New York in 1666. Coincidentally, the great London Fire occurred in the same year in Britain.
New Amsterdam was a Holland new world fort when the British took over and renamed it New York in 1666. Coincidentally, the great London Fire occurred in the same year in Britain. | Source
The Pueblo rebelled and pushed back the Spanish on a few separate occasions. The greatest rebellion would come later in California and the Pueblo were involved in that one too.
The Pueblo rebelled and pushed back the Spanish on a few separate occasions. The greatest rebellion would come later in California and the Pueblo were involved in that one too. | Source
The Declaration of Independence proved to be a huge disaster for the First Nations and the birth of a new era, the beginning or the end of aristocracy and the start of the bourgeois era.
The Declaration of Independence proved to be a huge disaster for the First Nations and the birth of a new era, the beginning or the end of aristocracy and the start of the bourgeois era. | Source
The final discovery of the north west passage, the "holy grail" of explorers for centuries was accomplished in 1851. Before then, the fur trade, interaction with the Inuit, Cree and the birth of the Metis occurred.
The final discovery of the north west passage, the "holy grail" of explorers for centuries was accomplished in 1851. Before then, the fur trade, interaction with the Inuit, Cree and the birth of the Metis occurred. | Source
Look to the very left of the graph when stats started being kept on the US GDP. Due to changes caused by the Civil War, the US capitulated to British Bankers and became reintegrated with world trade.
Look to the very left of the graph when stats started being kept on the US GDP. Due to changes caused by the Civil War, the US capitulated to British Bankers and became reintegrated with world trade. | Source
Many incidents from the next period could have been chosen, but the 1962 stellium and the almost Mutual Assured Destruction in October marks the seminal moment.
Many incidents from the next period could have been chosen, but the 1962 stellium and the almost Mutual Assured Destruction in October marks the seminal moment. | Source
Many say the USSR collapsed in 1991, but the roots go back to 1989. With the loss of that superpower, the balance of power was lost. The US lost no time in asserting its authority beginning in 1991.
Many say the USSR collapsed in 1991, but the roots go back to 1989. With the loss of that superpower, the balance of power was lost. The US lost no time in asserting its authority beginning in 1991. | Source
The new era is starting with major earth changes, man made and natural. This is one worst case scenario for the future of America. There are other suggestions that will be world wide.
The new era is starting with major earth changes, man made and natural. This is one worst case scenario for the future of America. There are other suggestions that will be world wide. | Source

A New Way to look at History and Astrology in a 394.3 year B'ak'tun (1616-2010)

An Over view of the Last 10 Sacred Calendar Rounds of 520 years.

The 52 year Mayan calendar round is the dot product of the 13 day, the 20 day and the 260 day calendars that synchronizes with the annual sidereal calendar of 365.2422 days every 52 years. Collectively, this is a period of 18,992.6 days over the 52 years. A longer cycle of 144,000 days gives the cycle of 394.25 years and comprise 7.58 calendar rounds and is identified by Mayanologists as the b'ak'tun. The 52 year synchronization is known to us as the Sacred Calendar Round. The rounds could actually be calculated from any point, but we will chose a celestially auspicious one, that is, the winter solstice lunar eclipse in the “Heart of Sky” of 2010 as the significant synchronous point. From there we can step back and forward in history in 52 year “jumps” and look at the over riding quality of each round. In the context of this analysis, there is the use of 5 separate Mayan calendars. This does not include the lunar, Metonc or Venus calendars that are also important to them.

0th. Dec. 22Nd 2010 and thereafter (2062) – Remaking the world for a new long count and b'ak'tun

This period has started literally with a bang with some 24 separate rebellions to the end of Feb. 2011. Among them were huge protests in Egypt that established a military junta into power. Libya erupted into civil war with the people fighting with the army in the south, the government forces with the air force and navy in the north and bombing the masses jockeying for dual power. Someone detonated a nuclear bomb (Feb 23, 2011) south of Gaza and near the Suez Canal where two Iranian war ships were passing through. Israel claims that the nuclear detonation heard as far as 200 km away and the cloud rising to 3 km was set off by Iran and is “screaming for justice:. Strange weather, unusual Siemens activity in US mid west and New Zealand. Super storm in Australia causes flooding worse than Pakistan. Huge increase in volcanic explosions all around the world. Much of the weather changes are the direct result of global dimming that is cooling the world and curtailing agricultural production. In an era of ever expanding human population, the loss of agriculture portends an unparalleled famine. Perhaps this will be the device of nature to stem the increasing tendency to cold and to bring nature back to a more balanced condition. The previous reference to a global dimming and cooling occurred in 535 AD and the century following. It took the earth about 50 years to recover with horrific weather throughout the period. Out of that came Islam and the warrior Maya city states. Industrial winter can be compared to a volcanic winter with the same results. Thus, the start of this B'ak;tun in this calendar round of 52 years appears to be one of tremendous change, ultra-severe weather as is now unfolding, famine on a global scale, ruinous wars and collapsed civilizations and new attitudes among the people. There will be a exodus from civilization as in times of old, such as happened in past to Maya civilization. China will dominate for a short period before it too collapses. Influence appear to set in about two years in advance and in this case, it was economic collapse in the US and Europe and expansion in China that has all the earmarks of being contrived.

1. Dec. 22 1968 to Dec. 21. 2010 – The round of extremism, terror, demands and technological miracles and horrors

During this calendar round, there was the rise of black, women and gay rights movements, anti-war, ban the bomb and Vietnam war. The US went of the gold standard under the Nixon regime ('71). Mankind landed on the moon in '69, while the space race was on with the exploration of the solar system and cosmos. During the '74 oil embargo, the start of US economic slide began. The US lost the Vietnam war in '76m on the bicentennial of the Revolution. Wars erupted in central and south America during the '80's inspired by the projection of the Friedman shock doctrine. The first real economic challenge came with the collapse of Mexican economy and subsequent US bailout. Then there was the dissolving of the balance of power with the collapse of the Soviet Union 89-92 (center point, Feb. 7, 1989-92) , Desert Storm commenced in Iraq and Kuwaiti oil fires were deliberately set in '91. 9-11 triggered the war “against terror” in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran was the target of sanctions and blockades was N. Korea. There was the new US imperialist grab for resources. The Sub-prime mortgage collapse and the new depression commenced in 2008 and also set the tone for the new b'ak'tun. Emergence of China and India signalled the transference of economic power. Also emerging was the obsession with materialist gain, “super wealth” vs “too poor to survive”l events some say that Maya King Pacal and Chilam Balum (jaguar god) predicted several centuries ago. There was the wide use of toxic chemicals and spent uranium on civilian populations in many places in the world. The BP oil spill was classified as the worst environmental disaster of all time at the end of 2010 as the end of the long count arrived. The emergence of super storms became increasingly common. Geomagnetic reversal well under way at end of era with volcano and earthquake storms in unusual places.

2. Dec. 22. 1906 to Dec. 21, 1968 – the round of two great world wide wars, the beginning of corruption, concealment and ruination.

This period ends with French student protests and the beginning of the US civil rights movement. Era of aviation gets its first start. This is the era of the successful Russian revolution, WWI, WWII, Korean and Vietnam wars, nuclear energy and the A-bomb. “Duck and Cover” atmospheric and space nuclear tests and nuclear terror/blackmail became the norm. (center point Feb.-Oct. 1962) Operation Paperclip at the end of WWII would ferry Nazi war criminals such as Werhner Von Braun and the “butcher of Lyon” into the western hemisphere under secrecy and protection of the Vatican. Einstein’s cosmology of general relativity was developed and opened the door to quantum mechanics. Aviation went from hot air balloons and blimps to jets and rockets. Hundreds of millions of people around the world die form war and disease emerging from war.

3. Dec. 22, 1864 to Dec. 21, 1906 – the round of the consolidation of empires and conquest.

This period ends with failed attempt for a revolution in Russia in 1905. The leaders were arrested and shipped to Siberia. The publishing of the Communist Manifesto was part of the inspiration form int release in 1848. Paris Commune formed briefly in 1871 and was subsequently crushed when France and Prussia ceased hostilities to deal with the threat. The US civil war erupted and the 1871 the 2nd “Constitution of the US” as opposed to the “Constitution for the US” turning US into a corporation was drafted and passed in the house. The Indian Removal Act was in the final stages with the “Wounded Knee” incident. This was the era of engineered famine and eugenics in the US. The British empire on which the sun never sets was at its height, despite the succession of the US in 1776. Wars between Britain and US raged to 1871 where an economic supremacy was established from Britain via the Rothschild banks. Britain gained back supremacy as a result (center point, 1871). The planes bison driven to near extinction during the building of transcontinental railroad.

4. Dec. 22, 1802 to Dec. 21, 1864 Era of exploring the most extreme regions of the newly conquered territories.

The Indian Removal Act was passed in the US in 1830 under Jackson's regime as Indian Wars raged on. Civil war began near the periods end. There was the successful attempt at finding the NW passage in 1851 after centuries of failed attempts and lost ships. This period marks the end of the claim by the First Nations for any territories held by them. They endured engineered famine with the slaughter of the bison to near extinction. The slaughter beginning due to ranching, city building and the beginning of the railroad construction reached it peak in the 1870s and 1880s in the subsequent period. The Inuit experienced increasing contact with the English in the drive for the NW passage. Fur traders were already involved via the Hudson Bay Company and involved the Inuit and Cree. Furs went out, disease came in and intermarriage created the Metis peoples.

5. Dec. 22, 1750 to Dec. 21, 1802 Era of the change from kings to the bourgeoisie and the money changers. Invaders turned back temporarily

The changeover from dominating British colonialism to American independence as an autonomous bourgeois nation was to involve the First Nations in the complex dance of war that was to center on the 1776 American Revolution. (Center point, July 4, 1776) The American Revolutionary War that followed from the resistance of British taxation to the declaration of independence resulted in two parallel wars. While the war in the east was a struggle against British imperialist rule, the war in the west was an "Indian War". The newly proclaimed 13 independent colonies of the United States competed with the British for the allegiance of American First Nations east of the Mississippi River. The colonial interest in westward settlement, as opposed to the British policy of maintaining peace, was one of the minor causes of the war. Most First Nations in the emerging US who joined the struggle sided with the British, hoping to use the war to halt colonial expansion onto their land. The Revolutionary War was thus the most extensive and destructive “Indian war” in US history. Much in the way of life and territory was lost in the extended war. The war raged on and off over the decades from the war of independence to the end of the Civil War. Along the way, the British were involved directly or remotely.

California and its Spanish colonization differed from earlier efforts. Having learned a lesson from history, they avoided the simultaneous introduction of missionaries and colonists in their conquest schemes. The new plan was organized by the Franciscan administrator, Junipero Serra and the military authorities under Gaspar de Portola. They journeyed to San Diego in 1769 to establish the first of 21 coastal missions. Despite romantic portrayals of California missions, they were essentially coercive religious, slave labour camps organized primarily to benefit the newly established missions. The overall plan was to first militarily intimidate the local First Nations with armed Spanish might and soldiers who always accompanied the Franciscans in their missionary efforts. This was a tactic first learned at Teotihuacan and with the Inca. Simultaneously the Spanish invasion introduced European sourced domestic stock animals that gobbled up native foods, drove away the wild counterparts and undermined the free tribes efforts to remain economically independent. This was a kind of engineered famine that would later be used on the plains First Nations with far more organization and devastating results. A well established pattern of bribes, intimidation and the expected onslaught of European diseases insured experienced missionaries that eventually, desperate parents of sick and dying children and many elders would prompt frightened First Nations families to seek assistance from the newcomers as they seemed to be immune to these horrible diseases. The missions were authorized by the crown to convert the First Nations to Christianity within a ten year period. Thereafter they were supposed to surrender their control over the missions livestock, fields, orchards and buildings to the First Nations people. But the priests and monks never achieved this goal and the lands and wealth was instead stolen from the First Nations.

Few modern day Americans know of the widespread armed revolts precipitated by Mission natives against the Spanish colonial authorities that had a long history of provocation. A series of battles would succeed in driving out the Spanish entirely. It began when the Kumeyaay of San Diego launched two serious military assaults against the missionaries and military escorts within five weeks of their arrival in 1769. During 1775, being desperate to stop an ugly pattern of sexual assaults, the Kumeyaay completely razed Mission San Diego to the ground and killed the local priest. Quechan and Mohave Indians along the Colorado River to the east destroyed two more missions, killing four missionaries and numerous other colonists in a spectacular uprising in 1781. This last rebellion permanently sealed off the only south going overland route into Alta California from Northern Mexico (New Spain) to the Spanish authorities. This left only the sea to escape, which some Spaniards elected to do in confiscated canoes.

Military efforts from the south to reopen the road and punish the First Nations responsible were met with total failure. The last great mission native revolt occurred in 1824 when disenchanted Chumash First Nations violently overthrew the mission control centers at Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez and La Purisima. Santa Barbara was sacked and abandoned by the Spanish while the Santa Ynez Chumash torched 3/4 of the buildings before fleeing themselves. They managed to obtain all the horses and much Spanish ordinance in the process. Defiant Chumash at La Purisima seized that mission and fought a pitched battle with Spanish colonial troops while a significant number of other Chumash escaped deep into the interior of the Southern San Joaquin Valley. After 1810 a growing number of native guerrilla bands evolved in the interior when fugitive mission First Nations allied with interior tribes and villages. They were mounted on horses and used modern weapons. They began raiding mission livestock and fighting colonial military forces on an equal footing, making the future conquest much more difficult.

France pulled out military support in its new world holdings and subsequently lost most of its territories due to the French Revolution. The English rushed in to fill the void. This period saw two major bourgeois revolutions; one in America followed 15 years later by the French.

6. Dec. 22, 1698 to Dec. 21 1750

The Spanish entry into Alta California was the last great expansion of Spain's vastly over extended empire in the Americas. It was over extended due to the lack of Spanish to control such a vast territory. The small numbers were not helped when First Nations revolts decimated them. Great First Nations' revolts among the Pueblo of the Rio Grande in the late 17th century provided the Franciscan priests and monks with the arguments needed to establish missions relatively free from colonial settlers. This policy would be used later, but again unsuccessfully in California.

7. Dec. 22, 1646 to Dec. 21, 1698

This was a relatively quiet period compared to the rest, but there were incidents in this cycle. Louis XIV, France granted “New France” the status of a royal province and encourages the greater flow of new colonists into the territories still held by First Nations. France held Quebec, most of Ontario, the Great lakes and the entire Mississippi corridor all the way to the Gulf of Mexico in this period and held it until the French Revolution more than a century later. In 1666, New Amsterdam is renamed New York by the English who have some holdings and were a major trading concern at this time competing with Holland. The Dutch held the region since 1647. In 1675, a sudden uprising by the Wampanoag Indians against the new England settlements began the conflict known as King Philip's War. During 1680 ,the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico rose up against the Spanish, killing 21 missionaries and some 400 colonists. This was the forerunner to incidents in California and triggered by similar conditions.The final Maya city-state fell under the Spanish conquistadors in 1697.(Linda Schele, Forest of Kings pp 57)

1615.75 to 2010 = 294.25 years.

8. Dec. 22, 1594 to Dec. 21, 1646 (transitional 7.58 rounds) Era of the start of total conquest and destruction of an ecosystem.

The first English settlement in Roanoke was established and then mysteriously collapsed and marked the beginning of the end for the US First Nations. At Plymouth Rock founded some years later saw initial friendly relations with the First Nations that were forced by hardships on both sides. This broke down as Europeans kept coming in more and more ships, taking more and more land, introduced new species that supplanted old established natural flora and fauna of the US north west. The Indians were pushed back. The Algonquin and Iroquois eventually were to fight back. The food plants of the First Nations were struck by diseases and many are wiped out and replaced by European varieties. The Europeans introduced bees, worms, horses, cows, pigs, the Asian chestnut, apples and other species not native to N. America. In return, they got corn and tobacco that was unknown in Europe. This introduction of alien foods started a trend that would progress into the 19th century. The entire natural ecosystem was eventually replaced except in hard to cultivate areas like swamps and mountains.

9. Dec. 22 1542 to Dec. 21, 1584 Era of the long road of warfare with alien invaders.

The long road of the Indian Wars commenced in 1540 to the end of the 19th century at Wounded Knee. This was the era of conquest of the First Nations territories for Britain and Spain. As European nations established beach heads on virtually all sides, there emerged wars for the conquest of territories that drew in the First Nations. The main invaders warring were the Spanish, English and French with the Dutch and Portugal playing minor roles. As wealth continued to be removed, raiding ships at sea began an era that was to lead to the English privateers or pirates as they would come to be known. The Mayan Libraries were ordered destroyed in 1562 by Bishop Diego de Landa. Only four works survived to be spirited away to Europe. It has take researchers from this period to the present to reconstruct much of their record.

10. Dec. 22, 1490 to to Dec. 21. 1542 Era of the beginning of the end, old world makes way for a new world (cosmopolitan)

Columbus landed in America in four separate voyages from Cuba (1492) to S. America (1498) and finally square in the middle of the Maya territories (1503). Cortez sacked Tenochtitlan in 1518. Pizzaro sacked the Inca empire in the early 1530s. Tons of gold and silver were looted from Aztecs and Inca. Incursions began in earnest from the south, the east, the north in the hunt for the north west passage. The start of the Indian Wars in 1540 two years before the end of the period. Many Aztecs, Maya and Inca die of strange diseases and are told that it is a punishment form God due to “lack of faith”. War was going on in the Inca territory between Atahualpa and his brother when Spanish arrived who exploited the civil war.In 1541, the Spanish had their first significant contact with the Maya (Linda Schele Forest of Kings pp 57).

Since 12,600 years ago, the Inuit remained more or less undisturbed until Europeans began looking for a north west passage to the west coast and Asia beginning in 1497 under John Cabot in a failed mission. Dozens of explorers thereafter made one failed attempt after another. It was not until 1851 that the trip was finally successfully completed by Sir Robert McClure. Many false tries via various routes were tried, making discoveries elsewhere, but no successful navigation occurred until the mid 19th century.

This is a summary of the major events centered in the western hemisphere of the last 520 years of 10 calendar rounds. This is far from the full history, nor is it the sum of the complex and sophisticated system of Maya time cycle keeping. There is much more that needs to be revealed.

Other Important Considerations

There is another consideration of the Calendar Rounds according to the account of Bishop Landa (1) who had contact with the Maya while the Julian Calendar was still in effect. According to him, a calendar round hand just completed in July 16th, 1553. From the Julian count translation this is adjusted to July 26, 1553 in the Gregorian now used in the Christian world. The foregoing account is run backward from the Dec. 21st lunar eclipse during the winter solstice in 2010.

Using the dates from the Maya who handed it to the Bishop, gives another set of dates. Using this, for the transitional day of July 26th, we get the years from 1553, being 1501 for the start and after 1553; 1605, 1657, 1709, 1761, 1813, 1865, 1917, 1969 and 2021. The start of a new calendar round in this system would be on July 27th.

In this series, two dates stand out for the month of July, being 1917, with the Russian Revolution under a series of transitional governments since February of that year and before October when the Bolsheviks took over and 1969 with the landing of the first man on the moon according to NASA, which some people dispute. 1865 marks the end of the Civil War in the US that brought the fledgling US to the brink of economic ruin. 1813 marks the War of independence of Mexico. 1761 narked the end of the Cherokee – English wars. In 1709, the contest between Britain and France for territory in the New World was well into the war of the Spanish Succession. During June of 1657, the first Quakers arrived in New Amsterdam on What is now Manhattan Island, which was to later become New York when sold to Britain. Late in 1605, Catholics under the leadership of Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the British parliament in the “gunpowder plot”. The attempt failed and the leader was hung for insurrection. Britain remained protestant. 1553 marks an era of anti-Semitism in Britain with the burning of the Talmud in a number of circumstances. There were other religious disputes as well. In the New World, many European nations were now involved with the taking over of First Nations territories and possessions.


1. pp 33 The Maya; by Michael D. Coe, 6th ed. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London


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