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The Contemporary Atmosphere of Earth

Updated on August 22, 2014

The Earth is the Only Planet We Know that can Support US

The fragile earth and its sensitively dependent atmosphere is all we have and yet it is being treated with near utter contempt.
The fragile earth and its sensitively dependent atmosphere is all we have and yet it is being treated with near utter contempt. | Source

What's in the Air We Breathe?

Though this looks extensive, most of the atmosphere is actually in the densest region below 14 km. Most geoengineering occurs in the lower stratosphere.
Though this looks extensive, most of the atmosphere is actually in the densest region below 14 km. Most geoengineering occurs in the lower stratosphere. | Source
Some cities, such as Beijing and Los Angeles can have days where brown haze takes over. Those with breathing problems have to remain indoors.
Some cities, such as Beijing and Los Angeles can have days where brown haze takes over. Those with breathing problems have to remain indoors. | Source
Here are many of the culprits that contribute to brown haze and brown clouds. The impact is global in extent. Beijing depicted here, often has dimming of sunlight of 24%.
Here are many of the culprits that contribute to brown haze and brown clouds. The impact is global in extent. Beijing depicted here, often has dimming of sunlight of 24%. | Source
Industry contributes significantly to atmospheric pollution. The principle additives are soot, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Industry contributes significantly to atmospheric pollution. The principle additives are soot, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. | Source
With the advent of the atomic age, humanity has added many very toxic wastes to the atmosphere. Though few above ground tests are done today, the use of depleted uranium in war is a major concern.
With the advent of the atomic age, humanity has added many very toxic wastes to the atmosphere. Though few above ground tests are done today, the use of depleted uranium in war is a major concern. | Source
War exacts a large toll on the atmosphere and can have world wide consequences.
War exacts a large toll on the atmosphere and can have world wide consequences. | Source
The Kuwait oil well fires from Desert Storm in the first Iraq war of 1991, left a huge impact on the atmosphere that lasted for years afterwards. Locally, the regions under the dense smoke fell to freezing due to lack of sunlight;
The Kuwait oil well fires from Desert Storm in the first Iraq war of 1991, left a huge impact on the atmosphere that lasted for years afterwards. Locally, the regions under the dense smoke fell to freezing due to lack of sunlight; | Source
Due to the addition of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, the Arctic and Antarctic are experiencing an ice meltdown.
Due to the addition of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, the Arctic and Antarctic are experiencing an ice meltdown. | Source
Civil unrest around the world is resulting in a substantial new addition into the atmosphere; tear gas! Traces can travel great distances. Wonder why your eyes are stinging a lot these days?
Civil unrest around the world is resulting in a substantial new addition into the atmosphere; tear gas! Traces can travel great distances. Wonder why your eyes are stinging a lot these days? | Source
White phosphorus is being added to the atmosphere and it is extremely toxic. It will burn anything that is moist and there is no way to put it out. Traces of this are everywhere.
White phosphorus is being added to the atmosphere and it is extremely toxic. It will burn anything that is moist and there is no way to put it out. Traces of this are everywhere. | Source
Sometimes, weird clouds show up unexpectedly and they are the product in some cases of stratospheric engineering, being done as a type of earth scale sun block.
Sometimes, weird clouds show up unexpectedly and they are the product in some cases of stratospheric engineering, being done as a type of earth scale sun block. | Source
More and more unnatural clouds are appearing all around the earth. These are deposits for stratospheric engineering also known as chemtrails.
More and more unnatural clouds are appearing all around the earth. These are deposits for stratospheric engineering also known as chemtrails. | Source
Just because depleted uranium is used "over there" against terrorists, does not mean we are immune from using it. There is a global blow back and this stuff lasts virtually forever!
Just because depleted uranium is used "over there" against terrorists, does not mean we are immune from using it. There is a global blow back and this stuff lasts virtually forever! | Source
Oxygen depletion in the oceans, rivers and lakes leads to mass fish die off. Oxygen depletion is happening in the atmosphere too with the risk of eventual global asphyxiation.
Oxygen depletion in the oceans, rivers and lakes leads to mass fish die off. Oxygen depletion is happening in the atmosphere too with the risk of eventual global asphyxiation. | Source

It's Nothing Like You Think it is

Almost everyone who has gone through the school system, encountered some form of learning about atmospheric science. It is pretty basic covering the hydrological cycle, basic weather, cloud identification and the gases that make up the atmosphere. Basic instruction tells us that the atmosphere comprises about 78 % Nitrogen, 21 % Oxygen, 1 % Carbon Dioxide with a mix of other gases. That is an idealization that does not really describe what exists now. We have not been informed of oxygen depletion anywhere near as much as we have been informed of carbon dioxide increase. Modern figures now tell us the carbon dioxide has risen to 400 parts per million in the atmosphere; a figure that has not been seen for millions of years. But, that is not all by any stretch of the imagination. The modern atmosphere is now a chemical soup of known elements and molecules that can boggle the mind when compared to the rather simple formula above, stated in recapitulation from school texts. The current atmosphere contains an array of things that is daily increasing. The atmosphere now contains, but is not limited to;

  • Nitrogen – 78%

  • Oxygen – 18-20% (varies globally)

  • Carbon dioxide .04% (2013)

The above three gasses make up about 98% of the atmosphere overall, with the other 2% being made up of every other trace gas and substances listed below, most of which were and are being added since WWII.

  • Water vapor (H2O, HO, D2O, T2O)

  • Methane

  • Pollen

  • Microbes – viruses including man made

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Carbon (soot)

  • Nitrous oxide

  • ground level ozone

The second group consists of natural and human caused additions. Human industry and vehicles in particular, contribute soot, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ground level ozone and nitrous oxide. Methane exists in abundance in the biosphere and locked away in ices under the ocean, in the tundra and poles. Methane is also produced in abundance by living organisms like people, cows and termites. Heating up of the locked away frozen methane causes releases with rapid consequences and leads to violent weather incidents in escalating numbers. Nitrous oxide results from the use of internal combustion engines and accounts for the familiar brown haze that plagues most large modern cities. It is also in abundance at commercial jet cruising altitudes and is world wide in extent. The same engines create ozone at ground level that is harmful to all living things. Ozone high in the stratosphere is natural and shields us from harmful solar and cosmic radiation. That ozone is being depleted, especially from freon driven aerosols and refrigerants escaping into the atmosphere. We have no way of taking ground level ozone into the upper stratosphere where it is needed, so we get a double whammy.

  • suspended alumina silicate (sand dust)

  • Aluminum and its oxide

  • Hydrogen sulphide

  • Barium oxide

  • Strontium 90

  • Cesium 137

  • Uranium 235 and 238 (depleted Uranium 238)

  • Plutonium 239

  • Asbestos

  • Pesticides including GMOs

  • Fungicides

  • Herbicides like “Roundup” and “Agent orange”

  • Tear gas – pepper spray

  • Saran

  • copper
  • white phosphorus
  • Freon

  • Radon

  • Neon

The third group is the exotic additives placed into the atmosphere by all modern processes of industry, war and agriculture. There is an increasing amount of very toxic agents that are currently threatening the entire biosphere with extinction. Some of these react in unknown ways with each other to produce new and unknown threats. The radiological elements and isotopes have been added since July 1945 and are still being added today, from bomb testing, reactor meltdowns and the use of depleted uranium in theaters of war.

The above partial list is what comprises what we all inhale and it varies by geographical region., In Beijing, China, the amount of pollution is so great, that local dimming of natural sunlight is around 24%. People are forced to wear filtration masks or stay indoors. Some suggest that the program of stratospheric engineering, aka, chemtrails, has imposed an average 20% reduction in sunlight world wide with the object to lessen the impact of global warming. Identified materials used in the program are aluminum oxide, aluminum, barium and copper among other ingredients. As humanity removes more and more forest cover, a number of effects are created such as the loss to moisture cycling, heating and desertification. In addition, the production of free oxygen is increasingly curtailed, while carbon dioxide increases. As a result, oxygen levels fall and dead zones emerge, especially in the oceans. We are slowly and inexorable asphyxiating ourselves in our current industrial and warfare trends. Climate change in the polar regions threaten to release substantial frozen methane, which is far more effective at holding heat than carbon dioxide. This is the short story of a long and complex issue,.

Atmospheric change began with innovations and technological advances in civilized regions. Rome left a detectable footprint of lead. Beginning with the first industrial revolution, what our current civilization has left is a far more complex footprint. From the beginning, changes to the atmosphere were the effect of manufacturing, especially if it used fire. The first additions were of soot, carbon dioxide and methane from industry and farming. Later, the wide use of coal led to some man made disasters in large cities during temperature inversions. We are in an ever increasing and perilous situation globally with a lot more additions to the atmosphere that is treated like an open sewer.

See the Results of Atmospheric Change

As we have continued to use the atmosphere as a resource and a sewer and it's still business as usual, the attempt at stratospheric engineering to “correct” and mask the result are offered as the solution. But the “solution” is not sustainable, just as for profit absolute capitalism is not sustainable. Currently, there is less than 20% of the original forests left on the entire planet and this accounts for oxygen depletion in the face of fossil fuel burning for energy. But we can use alternate energy means, and we are nowhere using this to the level required. Big oil corporations are the main lobbyists against alternative energy from the earliest days, such as the opposition to Tesla's radiant energy system. Power companies that rely on fossil fuels and uranium were and are also opposed from then to now. Solar and wind are also done only in small amounts as long as it does not threaten the big oil and power corporations and remains a public relations campaign. They are also done inappropriately and inefficiently. Thus it is business as usual and we all pay for the destruction of the natural atmosphere including the CEOS of Exxon, Shell, BP, big coal and subsidiarity industries the rely on them to run. Just observe what is going on and we see little real change except more and more of the same. The developing world wants to be like us and the earth cannot sustain what is happening only in the developed world. It is well past time to do something about it and the long term solution can't be atmospheric geoengineering as currently managed. That project is unsustainable as it takes fossil fuel burning in order to place the material to sun screen the earth from the very deposits just left by the delivery system.

Another warning sign is mass extinctions and die offs, the sixth worst such case in geological history. This should get our notice, but corporate driven mass media leaves out almost everything except for anything promoting mass consumerism, sports, entertainment and sit-coms. Much of the developed world is almost completely uniformed. Mass consumerism is good for profit and so is planned obsolescence. Both are ruinous to the planet and the species thereon including us. A shocking figure concerning illness today tells us that men have a 44% chance of getting cancer and women have a 33% chance. The figures were much lower only a few decades ago, but today, we live in a poisoned environment and so we are slowly and inexorably being poisoned into extinction. GMO foods are accelerating the process as is stratospheric geoengineering. But the deliberate laying of chemtrails high in the stratosphere is far from the only threat. Wars by foreign policy and domestic unrest add depleted uranium, tear gas, saran and a host of other toxins, any one of which is ruinous.

Ancient people saw deformities as a negative sign, which was considered an end of life warning. They used to be rare, but now in certain regions of the world they are common in the plant, animal and human species in certain places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Japan. Visitors to these places will often transmit deformities to the next generation. Thus children of war vets end up with deformities such as found in Iraq. This one fact tells us that the cause was picked up by breathing it and this resulted in Gulf War Syndrome and deformed children. It also is a warning of blow back and the fact the dispersion via the atmosphere is not limited to Iraq. The triple meltdown in Fukishima, Japan is another proof, this dispersed by the ocean currents and affecting all sea life. Could it be that the massive fish die offs of 2013 are attributable to this one fact? Some of that poison gets lofted into the atmosphere as storm waves smash against the coastlines and spray into the air and driven inland by the same winds.

If we totally stopped our poisoning ways right now, in most cases it would take the earth a century to remove most of the toxins just from the atmosphere. The problem is that these wind up in the ground and stay there in some cases, like DU, for a very long time. As for species recovery, geological history tells us that the earth will take one to ten million years to recover. It is already too late; we have gone too far and there is no way we have to correct it. That removal process would be a logistical nightmare of gigantic proportions. We can stop increasing the load, but so far that have not shown the necessary resolve to do it. Eventually, the earth will intervene as in times past and the current order will pass away and a new one will slowly emerge.

We Are in the Business of Atmospheric Change!


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