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JFK, 50 Years Later and Hints of the Real Truth

Updated on March 14, 2014
John Kennedy was controversial to say the least. Some consider him the last true president of the republic.During his all too brief tenure, he made a lot of enemies during one of the most turbulent eras of history.
John Kennedy was controversial to say the least. Some consider him the last true president of the republic.During his all too brief tenure, he made a lot of enemies during one of the most turbulent eras of history. | Source

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Corruption does not want to be exposed, lurking behind the scenes and putting a choke hold on almost everyone. Most relent and give in, but a few chose to stand up and be counted. JFK was such a person. Though he was no socialist and did not assist much in the civil rights struggle, he did one very important thing that has been itself hidden in plain sight. He almost, in a single handed manner, turned the tide on the international banking, criminal, corporate and military cabal. His actions, which were to cost him his life, would have taken the control of currency in the US out of the grip of the federal reserve and placed it in the hands of the duly elected government of the nation. His plan was to issue US government fiat currency to replace the notes issued by the Fed, This he clearly stated and began acting on. He was the kind of a “roll up the sleeves and do it” president, reluctant to cave into pressures or bribes, unlike almost all of his peers and successors. He stood by his position and when he threatened to change the economic order, the oligarchs took note and prepared their own preemptive plan.

He also had to grapple with what he inherited from Eisenhower by way of a growing military industrial complex started by Eisenhower and then regretted by him. As a result, he became the most notorious cold war president yet and many hair raising events occurred in 1961-63 under his watch, notably the escalation of the war in Vietnam, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Central and South American policy and the Cuban Missile Crisis that brought the world right to the edge of Mutual Assured Destruction. JFK is also on record as being openly against secret societies such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the Illuminati and the like in what he called as being repugnant in a free and open democracy. These are in addition to his program of open war against organized crime and his financial plans. On November 22nd, 1963 he was assassinated in the open while being driven in an open car through Dealey Plaza in Houston, Texas in circumstances that are still swirling in controversy 50 years later. He made a lot of enemies in short order, despite being one of the most popular presidents among the electorate. After the assassination, events unfolded rapidly, with the main identified suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, being murdered on prime time TV right in the police station. This itself became a controversy. Many witnesses disappeared under suspicious circumstances. To this day, some say anywhere from three to six shots were fired. Some photos and videos survive, but are also subject to debate and controversy

There are several amazing parallels between John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln got embroiled in the Civil War and launched the US government currency, the greenback backed by gold and silver as British established banks would not loan to a northern interest opposed to the south as they banked the southern agricultural cotton concerns. This bold act of independence triggered a war between Britain and the northern US. The Brits almost won except for a last ditch effort that saved the day by conscription including thousands of black soldiers. The war never started on the idea of emancipation. That came as an outgrowth of the war in the south backed by Britain. That act saved the north from British conquest and by a mere thread as British warships plied the Mississippi all the way to Pennsylvania and from the north in Canada. The French, themselves at war with Britain, joined forces with Lincoln. These two facts help to turn the tide against Britain, Both Britain and the US then fell into a deepening depression post war; Britain with the loss of the cotton trade, and the US by war debts and the tightening of bank of Britain monies. Lincoln was assassinated shorty after the end of the Civil War.

Even today, speculation abouts as to who really was behind the assassination of JFK.
Even today, speculation abouts as to who really was behind the assassination of JFK. | Source

JFK on the other hand was embroiled with an expanding military industrial complex, Vietnam and the plan to give the government its own produced and circulated currency, thus breaking free from the Federal reserve control. The civil rights battle was under full sway at the time. The key to all of this, again is the idea of financial independence from the big private banks. This must have irked the big lenders to the US government increasingly saddled with rapidly expanding debts. The Vietnam war was by no means won and ultimately would be lost more than a decade later. Like Lincoln, Kennedy earned a lot of powerful enemies. There is a lot of clarity concerning Lincoln's assassination. The JFK assassination is still murky and embroiled in controversy. But; let us conjecture about a possible powerful opponent.

Could it be that the threat to take the big banks out of the loop was the trigger that earned Kennedy and his brother a death sentence? The plan to issue a government currency independent of the Federal Reserve and big bank control would certainly concern the heads of the banks. Since every agency, public and private go through the banks as a clearing house for debts and credits, this could identify the real enemy. There is a chain of command that goes through the bosses of big business, legitimate or otherwise. These bosses and oligarchs use the banks as the financial means to control everyone under them including the governments on all levels. Anyone who threatens that long established order places themselves at extreme risk.

The patsies on the street are the visible presence of a secret power that operates through and behind the visible government and its armed state. Someone has to be the executioner even though the subject is tried and sentenced in absentia. Each tier has its chain of command extending from the armed thugs of gangs or police, to local, regional and national governments, industrial concerns, to banks and ultimately to the bosses and oligarchs at the top. The bosses and oligarchs include top rank military, royalty, CEOs, banking heads and families and top religious officials. In this scenario, as the threat was issued against the banking cartel and cabal, the reaction would come from them. As banks have almost everyone in their financial death grip, it would seem reasonable that these entities would respond to any threat by ant means possible.

The Federal Reserve was granted its powers in the late weeks of 1913 and has controlled finances in the US ever since. It is not a federal agency, but a private bank tied into the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The ultimate owners prefer to remain in obscurity for plenty of good reasons. Some say the ultimate owner of the Fed is the Rothschild family. Others would say it is the Rockefeller family or some other individual or family. In the secret enclaves it is hard to identify the real concern, but the kill order may well have come from the top in response to a perceived or actual threat. We will not actually know until the entire banking structure and the chain of command through history is brought to light.

Given the present financial climate, that exposure may come sooner than later. It will take the combined strength of the international working class to tear down the veils of secrecy and expose all the truths of historical developments, incidents and plots and all the culprits involved.

50 Years Ago, This is What Most of Us Witnessed on the News


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