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Culture of Surveillance

Updated on May 6, 2014

The Foundation of the Modern Era Begins with Tesla

Tesla envisaged a wireless electrical age where all means of powering and transport ran on electrical energy beamed wirelessly from source to receiver.
Tesla envisaged a wireless electrical age where all means of powering and transport ran on electrical energy beamed wirelessly from source to receiver. | Source

How UFOs Are Used As Drones, Spying, Invisibility and Weapons

What theme predominates in most sci-fi, horror, supernatural, suspense, fantasy and adventure movies, particularly historical accounts? Think about this for a moment before jumping to a snap answer. Now, once you come to an insight, why is this a recurrent theme in literature and movies today? The short answer to question one, is the battle against a superior enemy that comes in a surprise and overwhelming attack that the hero(s) or heroine(s) have to deal with and succeed in the end. These attackers usually have some power, magical or technological that far exceeds that of the hero(s) or heroine(s). To question two, we need to look into our own history in all its aspects, stated, unstated and hidden and this takes some research to reveal why the theme of so much of out literature is so constructed. We have also to reckon with the evolution of our society from that of exploration, settling and growth to that of a culture of surveillance and militarism, which also has deep roots and shows up in plenty of literature. Then at the same time, the emergence of ultra-sophisticated technology beginning in the turn into the 20th century that also has some surprising roots. Our journey begins with Tesla and what this genius researched, imagined and invented that reaches from then to our current era where some very surprising developments are about to unfold. We will find some shocking truths in history, buried and forgotten, but are lodged firmly in our collective unconscious and have an irrational control over us.

From Tesla we have a line of ultra-sophisticated technology that has many rather arcane uses. Tesla is the genius and father of our AC mode of electrical usage. He is also the father of remote control and to a lessor extent, the unknown father of wireless power transmission that is now evident in WiFi networks and cell phone technology as well as remote controls for a host of toys and electronics. The reason we do not have wireless power transmission is founded more in economics than feasibility, for Tesla tested and proved his ideas before he sought out investors. He convinced J. P. Morgan to fund his Wardenclyffe project for wireless power transmission. When J. P. Morgan, a power tycoon realized what he was funding and how it could destroy his business, he cut funding and had the tower destroyed. Tesla was terminated from his contract. Tesla also boasted of creating other things like a death ray and vehicles that could fly without the use of fossil fuels that were to be powered by wireless transmission pf electrical power. Tesla, who was once the idol of high society in New York, wound up in obscurity and poverty, with pigeons as his only friends. It is thought by some that Tesla got some of his inspiration and ideas from the Vedas. In his own admission, he got inspiration from Goethe. Tesla was found dead On January 7th, 1943 under what some consider suspicious circumstances and all of his research and notes were completely missing.

Somehow, the Nazis developed extremely sophisticated technology that some see as coming from Tesla and or ancient writings in the Vedas in the form of vimana flying craft.
Somehow, the Nazis developed extremely sophisticated technology that some see as coming from Tesla and or ancient writings in the Vedas in the form of vimana flying craft. | Source

From Tesla, we turn to the Nazis in their Ahnenerbe program to research the ancient past around the world, who from around 1922 on became increasingly interested in strange new technologies. It is thought with reasonable grounding based on subsequent patents that wound up in the US patent technology, that the Nazis found, stole, rediscovered and built new forms of aircraft that we now identify as flying saucers. These are the Haunebuand Vril craft in at least a dozen mock ups and versions that were developed and filmed functioning and subsequently found their way to the US and Russia. These craft are though to have been inspired in part from descriptions of flying craft complete with descriptions in Hindu Vedas that we know go back 5,500 years. The Nazi's Ahnenerbe program was tasked with research into these and the development of a modern prototype. Thus the first Haunebu was born that had a unique power system and did not require the use of fossil fuels. It was powered remotely and eventually built in a number of sizes. The late development of the Haunebu and Vril did not allow their use in the wider theatre of war from 1942 on. They were few in number and were still in the experimental stage. However, as the intensive allied bombardment began in 1942 and increased, British and American bombers reported seeing strange objects dubbed Foo Fighters dogging their flight path. As far as the report goes, there was never a fatal encounter with the Foo Fighters, but their presence was unnerving as these electromagnetic fighters disrupted electronics and harassed the bombers. They were described as unidentified flying objects and gave birth to our term UFO. The Nazis discovered as part of their Ahnenerbe program, ice caves in Antarctica going back to 1938 and they subsequently developed an under ice base in what they dubbed New Swabia. This base was to have a frightening impact on the US in February of 1947 when Admiral Byrd was to lead a battle fleet to the location of New Swabia. That impact will be described later.

The unconscious factor comes in from unspoken history and how the Americas as we know them came to be as they are now. The short story is that all of the Americas today were founded on genocide through the conquest involving superior technology and frightening methods of conducting warfare. For the half millennium after the initial “discovery” of the “new world” to the present, the original inhabitants were to experience germ warfare, engineered famine and the use of superior weaponry. There was also in use, early versions of psychological warfare and the deliberate destruction of ancient cultures through reeducation; separating the children from natural parents by force. In addition, the strange visitors had no regard for nature and how to treat other human beings. This latter fact became apparent with the introduction of imported black slaves that were also strange to the original inhabitants. The slaves and First Nations were to later develop a closer relationship against a common enemy and oppressor, but to little avail in long term survival. Everything that was of use, including the land was taken away and the original inhabitants dispossessed and interned into concentrated ghettos called reserves, while all that was useful was wrenched out of their hands. They were not even included in new constitutions owing to the fact that they were a defeated enemy power by definition and subject to the articles of war. Yet, it was the invading European colonists that were the aggressor. This history was not popularized and kept hidden and thus driven into the collective unconscious, where it resides for the most part and where it is capable of doing real damage. Thus, when we see popular entertainment of strange alien powers overtaking us in a mind numbing fashion, this is the unconscious response to real events in the past and our unconscious fear of having the same done to us. Coupled with this is the promotion of and profiting from fear mongering.

Examine this recent and popular picture of an invisibility cloak developed in BC, Canada that has the military world in a buzz. This is not a photoshop as there are plenty of other photos and evidence.
Examine this recent and popular picture of an invisibility cloak developed in BC, Canada that has the military world in a buzz. This is not a photoshop as there are plenty of other photos and evidence. | Source
Another shot of the hyped invisibility cloak. This fabric can have endless applications.
Another shot of the hyped invisibility cloak. This fabric can have endless applications. | Source

Today, there are secret and not so secret technologies that surround us, some of which have received plenty of press, such as the invisibility cloak developed by an inventor in the Vancouver region of British Columbia, Canada, in which the military has a huge interest. This device is reported to make a person or object invisible in the infra red, visible and other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. In short, this device can render whatever is behind it, undetectable by all modern means. It is light, heat and radar invisible. It is the ultimate in camouflage.

Let us now look at the events off the coast of Antarctica near New Swabia in February of 1947. Admiral Byrd had recently successfully explored Antarctica, but never encountered the New Swabia underground bases. After WWII and while the US was tracking down the last Nazis, which they learned were hiding out in New Swabia, they commissioned Admiral Byrd to lead a mission to Antarctica to that specific location. A fleet consisting of an aircraft carrier, some destroyers, cruisers, a refuelling ship, submarines and 5,000 sailors formed a battle group to seek out and capture New Swabia in Antarctica. As the fleet was approaching the coast of Antarctica, they were surprised attacked by Haunebu and Vril type craft exploding out of the freezing waters and rocketing at high speed into the atmosphere that then swarmed around the fleet. They made no sound and commenced firing on the fleet with what now can be now described as powerful lasers. They destroyed and sank one destroyer and heavily damaged the other ships and aircraft. As the battle quickly raged, the fleet turned tail and fled at high speed while being pursued and attacked repeatedly by several Haunebu and Vril. The mission that was planned to last half a year ended in less than two months with the fleet in panicked retreat. The whole affair was hushed up and the missing destroyer and men were described as the victims of a violent storm, which is relatively rare in the Antarctic summer. In reality, film that survives, shows the fleet under attack by supersonic travelling UFOs against which they were totally defenceless. The navy was at a loss to draw a bead on them and their aircraft were far to slow. The seas were relatively calm with long range visibility in the Antarctic summer. Not one Haunebu or Vril was even hit while the fleet sustained heavy damage from unknown type weapons. No Nazis were ever captured from New Swabia and the US never went back to our knowledge. Instead, attention was turned to catching up in technology over the next few years. This came with the help of Nazis imported through Operation Paperclip in 1945, such as Werhner Von Braun. By then, the US had atomic weapons, but they only had a few. Perhaps it was this fact that kept New Swabia from making an invasion of their own over American soil. This does not rule out surveillance missions as there was an epidemic of UFO sightings beginning after WWII.

Someday, on a clear day or night, suddenly a strike out of seeming nowhere will take down anything or anyone in its path in total surprise. It will be a akin to not knowing what hit until being struck.
Someday, on a clear day or night, suddenly a strike out of seeming nowhere will take down anything or anyone in its path in total surprise. It will be a akin to not knowing what hit until being struck. | Source

And now, for the next stage that is frightening beyond our wildest fears. Consider all that has been said so far and connect the dots. The US and no doubt Russia, where the original expose came from, also have updated versions of Haunebu and Vril. Further, they have powerful lasers and atomic weapons, EMP devices, beamed microwave weapons, remote control and remote fuelling and surveillance cameras that most security companies can only dream of. We have also been under constant and increasing surveillance. In addition, they have access to and are developing the use of total cloaking technology. Here then is the attack of the future that can happen as soon as tomorrow. Hyper speed Haunebu and Vril type craft can be launched invisibly from under the sea as in 1947, or from near earth space. They will be invisible and noiseless as already described from innumerable accounts starting from 1947. They will be weaponized and either function as ultra-sophisticated drones or manned. Though unseen themselves, they will be able to see all except anything in the same kind of cloak. When they fire on objects or people, it will be without warning and like a bolt out of the blue. We will only know when we are hit and not knowing what hit us. This then is the unconscious fear being brought home in a terror war where the aggressive operators are unseen. As the Indians met their fate at our hands, so we well can meet our fate in the near future in a war on steroids launched by a high tech armada weaponized in ways of which we have little conception.

We must ask, why and who? This brings in another stream of history by way of development over history from the hunting, gathering primitive lifestyle to the high tech society of today. There has been a progression through history in a combined and uneven fashion. Starting with hunting and gathering, there was the emergence of agricultural based societies. This one development allowed for surpluses and encouraged innovation. Innovation eventually led to technological development that wound up in many other sectors of society. Agricultural people were displaced into cities and towns where manufacturing changed lives. Innovation and invention increased production and displaced workers out of factories. This process happened in a combined and uneven manner until manufacturing was done mainly by machines and robots. As jobs in manufacturing and even service become scarce, even in developing countries, there will no longer be a need for so many idled workers. Idled workers and a lack of social support spells trouble as we now see in Europe and is threatening in N. America, so a counter move is required. This is where the secret war comes in. There is already a plethora of technology that we know exists that is in use to quell dissent. Then, why not incidents such as the one in the South Atlantic near New Swabia in February 1947? It would be a convenient ruse that will baffle most people. The terror that the First Nations endured may well be a fate for us today that has thus far resided in out collective unconscious. Who then would be the perpetrator? Secrets abound and so do ideas and conspiracy theories. The answer lies as it does in history, those who have wielded power in the past will be the ones who wage this new war against humanity. That then is the real conspiracy; the conspiracy of class division and war!

Something extraordinary happened in Feb. 1947 near Antarctica that was subsequently hushed until the Russians spilled the story. There is in existence, a secret technology that dwarfs anything most of us know.
Something extraordinary happened in Feb. 1947 near Antarctica that was subsequently hushed until the Russians spilled the story. There is in existence, a secret technology that dwarfs anything most of us know. | Source

What Did the Russians and the US Know, But Kept Secret


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