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Cargo Cults Then and Now

Updated on August 12, 2013

Cargo cultism takes many forms and is pervasive.

One of the most dramatic examples of modern day cargo cultism occurred when WWII pilots landed on a remote Pacific Ocean Island and impressed the natives with their god-like appearances. When the pilots left, the native built straw air-plane fetishes
One of the most dramatic examples of modern day cargo cultism occurred when WWII pilots landed on a remote Pacific Ocean Island and impressed the natives with their god-like appearances. When the pilots left, the native built straw air-plane fetishes
This beautiful drawing shows natives building a plane fetish in order to call down the cargo gods.
This beautiful drawing shows natives building a plane fetish in order to call down the cargo gods.
This is another image of the straw fetish meant to attract the "gods" back to the island. Here we see the natives near the fetish hoping for the return of their later day gods.
This is another image of the straw fetish meant to attract the "gods" back to the island. Here we see the natives near the fetish hoping for the return of their later day gods.
Here is an um image that could be a cargo cult representation by someone who saw a motorcycle but lacked the understanding of its real design and workings. This is a straw woven image of a motorcycle. This was found at the UBC museum of anthropology,
Here is an um image that could be a cargo cult representation by someone who saw a motorcycle but lacked the understanding of its real design and workings. This is a straw woven image of a motorcycle. This was found at the UBC museum of anthropology,
We4 have our own brand of cargo cultism, especially with massive bailouts, but this was limited to banks and CEOs of large companies with the hope of a trickle down to the community.
We4 have our own brand of cargo cultism, especially with massive bailouts, but this was limited to banks and CEOs of large companies with the hope of a trickle down to the community.
This image is a strange one that may represent an interpretation of the dress of a cargo "god".
This image is a strange one that may represent an interpretation of the dress of a cargo "god".
Rescue from the sky also obsesses the industrial world, especially in times of duress. We look for help from advanced super civilizations.
Rescue from the sky also obsesses the industrial world, especially in times of duress. We look for help from advanced super civilizations.
When we take a young creature out of its natural context and raise it to be something else, it loses touch with its reality and becomes dependent on an alien species in its own form of cargo cultism.
When we take a young creature out of its natural context and raise it to be something else, it loses touch with its reality and becomes dependent on an alien species in its own form of cargo cultism.
The same thing can happen to people in their youth who are raised alienated from their natural or cultural surroundings. They can become as dependent as infants if the new conditions that support them are removed. Here they are doing the only thing t
The same thing can happen to people in their youth who are raised alienated from their natural or cultural surroundings. They can become as dependent as infants if the new conditions that support them are removed. Here they are doing the only thing t
Begging is becoming pervasive as old ways of life are blotted out from memory.
Begging is becoming pervasive as old ways of life are blotted out from memory.

We are what we know and what we don't know can be dangerous to survival

The most formative years of any complex organism is during the years of youth and rapid growth. It is during this time that a wild cat must learn to be a wild cat, a wolf a wolf within the pack, a killer whale as a killer whale within the pod. If any of the young are removed from the natural context and re-educated in a taming setting with man, they can no longer fend for themselves if abandoned to nature. They have been trained to respond in a human context and lack the education their natural parents would have given them. They become dependent upon another species that must look after them. Some become pets and other, performing stunt animals for our entertainment. They thus have “jobs” just like any worker. Human beings are also malleable in their formative years. Originally, children learned from their parents close to nature. But with specialization, many children lost training of natural ways toward specialized fields. If left alone in the natural environment, any species will continue through the generations, adapting here and there as necessary, learning from the elders of the group, but if suddenly removed from that context, they are utterly helpless. This seems to be a fatal flaw that no species is immune from and unable to learn quickly enough if they go through a kind of “culture shock” and land in a new and to them, unfamiliar paradigm. Killer whales raised from infancy do not get the hunting skills they need from youth and when they are suddenly are required to do so, they are as infants, unable to survive in an unfamiliar world.

So, if someone wanted to make a slave, the first thing to do is to remove a young child or infant from their natural context. The re-education can take any form that the masters or overlords see fit. It is favourable to these to instill a sense of respect and terror. This becomes the role of the church and the state. Dumbing down is thus nothing new under the sun. The whole idea is to establish and maintain a condition of infantile dependency upon the overlord, the state and the church hierarchy. Not even the children of the conquer are spared, for the top of society needs a lot of slaves in order to live as the leisure class gods. We see this phenomenon when periodically, when there is a surplus of needed people, that surplus is dumped and they know no other way to get the necessities of life except by begging or stealing. The people ignorant of their real heritage from nature, who are raised as dependant members of civilization, take on the condition of cargo cultism. If they do what is required of them, they will receive what they need in handouts, sometimes in the form of trade for services duly rendered to the self appointed gods.

Looking to the distant past, there was earth engulfing obliteration by a cosmic catastrophe. More that 12,600 years ago was a civilization that grew to great power. The hypothesis entertained here is that the people of this civilization became self appointed gods to the world and demanded worship from the ignorant peoples around them. They could get this because of their apparently magical or miraculous abilities compared to the more naturally based societies. Further, these peoples were kept ignorant deliberately. The idea of an empire's leader self-appointing themselves to godhood is not a novel occurrence. It happened in Rome with some of the Caesars, like Caligula, Nerva and Tiberius. It occurred in China in the Forbidden City. In Egypt, the Pharaohs took on godlike dimensions, especially after death. Some proclaimed themselves gods while yet alive. Today, we have the Pope, a “Vicar of Christ” who is apparently the direct link to God as Christ]s vicar, the son of God and therefore God and the Vicar is a virtual god. The Pope had and is regaining great powers over the people he ruled and rules. There are myths too about individuals who had great knowledge, who could "take on wings" and fly. These are the precursors to our contemporary angels. The book of Enoch calls these being who could voluntarily take on wings as angels. It is alleged by Mr. Donnelly that the gods of Greece were actually rulers and mighty people in Atlantis, that civilization that perished 12,600 years ago.

What it would take to inspire in the ruled and enslaved, a type of godhood, would be a life far outlasting the people who hold them in awe. This is a likely source for the concept of an everlasting or age lasting life. Considering the fact that the hard labouring masses seldom lived beyond their first Saturn return (27-29 years) and often dying much younger. This would help to inspire the right mood in the living. The rulers often lived to great old age, outliving many generations of worker/slaves. In addition, the rulers would have knowledge far surpassing the enslaved they kept illiterate and ignorant except for the specific tasks allotted to them. A good example exists in the American south when slavery existed. It was a virtual if not actual crime to teach a black person to read and write before the Civil War. Today, the great dumbing down that serves as the cruelest censorship, is moving the people back to the level of animals but in total dependence upon the undependable and with no ability to support themselves in nature. The rulers also made sure they had a superior might, often enforced with a superior and secret technology. The superior technology whether megalithic construction, military prowess or technological wonders like flying saucers keep the ignorant in awe. Given the record and the fact that dead rulers have been mummified even as recently as 1927 with the mummification of V. I Lenin, this would help to inspire the right type of humility needed for control of the masses. Understand as well, that the gods were described as having all the human foibles, like lusting after illicit relationships outside of their marriages, murder/genocide, intrigue, trickery, destructiveness, scandal, war, theft, wrath and contempt. Even the Biblical God was given to destroying large numbers or people and animals on numerous occasions, such as the flood, the destruction of Cannan and the drowning of the Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea. If you want to understand the real source of God and gods, you need only examine history with sufficient rigour and investigation.

The theory that these people inspired the kind of awe to grant godhood is borne out in the phenomenon of cargo cults. An example of these erupted in the Pacific Islands during the 2nd world war when planes landed on some of the islands in view of the island natives who had never seen such things. In addition, these winged people could feed themselves, apparently without having to hunt, find or grow food. They gave marvellous gifts never before seen by the island inhabitants. They apparently communicated to invisible “spirits” and they returned communication via radios, which the astounded natives overheard. All of this was so magical and mysterious, that straw effigies of air-planes were built afterwards in attempt to draw these beings back once they had left for good. But war being what it is, saw these beings vanish in as capricious a manner as they had first arrived. This is not the only instance in history where superior technological know how was instrumental in conditioning behaviour. When the Greeks were in their golden age, it is reported that there was a temple erected to Posiden. The huge doors of the temple were activated by a hydraulic system that also served to flare up a large fire. This had all the appearance of high magic and enthralled the ignorant spectators who were hence put into the proper fear and worshipful state. The Greek rulers also were familiar with steam power and successfully launched a steam-powered jet propelled toy bird into flight and a steam rotor that could have been used in a steam engine if they had pursued it one step more. Then there was the invention of the “humble” Archimedes screw that are in use to this day to draw water from a well or river to irrigate crops. The Greeks also knew about lenses. Yet, when the people prayed for their own concerns, the requests went largely unanswered as evidenced in history. This is because these gods had needs of their own that, they were bent on fulfilling at the people’s expense. Herein lies the hint that gods can be capricious, implacable and unconcerned about mortal affairs, as implacable as the planets in the solar system that are unconcerned with human needs. We in our technological civilization have our own counterpart to the cargo cult technological wonders in the form of UFOs. Many a time someone sees some kind of light moving in the sky that has no apparent explanation, it is attributed to aliens flying in spacecraft and visiting Earth. One group even suggests that these craft are driven by the Elohim of Biblical mention in the Old Testament. If you are not familiar with the Elohim, this is the plural name of God who stated, “Let us make them in our image”. Male and female made they them.” Gen. 1:26,27. This is one of the two creation accounts of the Adamic race in Genesis. If you want to know why prayers are answered with reluctance or not at all, you need only examine the details of history in an objective fashion. However, you might find yourself in territory where your progress is apparently blocked for “lack of information” or as a result of denied access. To have the knowledge of the gods is a threat to their tenure as gods. There is no way they want to decent to the muck where the slaves grind out a living for the gods and their own needs too, nor face a threat of annihilation from an equal in knowledge understanding. Cargo cultists are to remain cargo cultists with their hands forever stretched out like infants for a bail-out or a hand-out.

There is no doubt a psychological factor within our nature that triggers this type of worshipful response as we are all in need of many things to continue living. This has its root in our infancy where we are completely dependant upon our mothers and the external world to support us. The only things we have going for us are the parent’s need to continue life through their offspring. That is all; the sum, pure and simple. This is a powerful drive augmented by the infant’s helplessness, cuteness and doting attention to the mother. The drive to continue the race is so strong, that the infant has a built in warning device in the form of a high decibel, high pitched scream to alert the mother even at a considerable distance. The piercing loudness of the baby’s cry is likened to the noise level of a jack-hammer. Only with support and training by knowledgeable and capable adults to live in a wild world, can a person become self-sufficient enough live on ones own and then strong enough to raise their own infants, continuing the process. But, this is conditional to a beneficial environment. When nature deals a severe blow by way of a long an deep famine, parents have been known to eat their own children. When a person is removed from nature, supported by civilization and kept ignorant, then they become dependant once more on an external source for life’s needs. The state or ruler becomes a type of surrogate parent. That external provider may not always be willing to give that support, even in good times, hence driving the dependant to seek to re-establish that connection. The provider has his or her own priorities that are in conflict with that of the one seeking support. If they have been trained to be worshipful of that provider, then a cessation of support can well trigger a religious fervour and fanaticism that is never answered. The outgrowth of that lack of communication is everything from self-criticism over an imagined sin or slight against the deity, atheistic leanings to open revolution. The existence of such a hierarchical structure creates dysfunction that ultimately ends in the dead end of anti-trust that is never truly shaken. This is a downward spiral to chaos that ends with relearning to live in the context of nature from scratch; trial and error. There is every indication that this is an aperiodic cyclical phenomenon. Whether it is driven to start again from some natural catastrophe, warfare between competing interests or internal collapse of society, the start at the beginning syndrome is a recurrent reality supported by the evidence of history and archaeology. Natural catastrophe greatly enhances this process, especially if occurring in a timely fashion.

The idea here is that advanced civilization co-exists alongside of a multitude of people who are stone ignorant about such things; people who still live by the old ways of hunting and gathering and not learned in writing, mathematics and science. In our contemporary world, exist many peoples who have no more technology than the bow and arrow, fire, the spear and sheer wits within the context of nature. Often they have no written records or language, but pass on their knowledge by word of mouth and example only. They live in the Australian outback, the Amazon and African jungles and the world's ice and sand deserts. Whether by chance or by design, these advanced civilized folks who visit them from time to time are viewed as other worldly beings, much in a manner similar as we do in our contemporary UFO cults. History is filled with incidents where indigenous peoples viewed strange visitors in godlike terms. The arrival of the Spaniards off the Central American coast was viewed as the return of Quetzelcoatl by the Aztecs is one classic example. Some First Nations people described their arrival on great wooden islands with clouds, driven by the winds. The Inca also saw Pizarro as Viracocha who is described in godlike terms with great magical abilities and vast knowledge, which he taught the Incas’ ancestors in the ways of astronomy and agriculture. These beings were described as Caucasian in appearance given to us today and in existing records and stellae.

Locke's philosophy tells us the people are born without innate ideas. He defined the self as a continuity of consciousness and he was the originator of the "Blank Slate" concept. The Lockean self is a self aware and self reflective consciousness that is fixed in a body. People learned what ideas they later held by influences upon them in life by others from a multitude of directions such as, church, parents, work, schooling, peers, etc. Coupled with the loss of former knowledge is the addition of psuedo-knowledge or deliberate misinformation, designed for ends of mass control and political power whether religious or secular. In the end, it is all about control in the context of the secular over surplus production that was key in the development of civilization from the very beginning. That surplus is then turned into “cargo” in some instances, directed to specific goals.

Ideas that were once common knowledge and based directly on nature and the cosmos evolved into the myriad gods, rituals, beliefs and religions of the present. Misinformation has spilled over into all the sciences and politics in a bid to obscure the truth and confuse the masses, who then must rely on specialists and well referenced and degreed authorities of all disciplines of knowledge. Only a handful approach knowledge in an interdisciplinary way and fewer still are knowledgeable renegades, independent of control by the well ensconced powerful elite. To do this, they must have achieved a level of understanding and independence from the influence of various aspects of the "civilizing" influence of the established order. This is neither simple nor easy. It requires a real knowledge of nature, our position, how to function therein and where misinformation prevails to control and confuse. One must understand all of this and function in both worlds, the real and the one designed, a pseudo reality, in which we have been educated to play our parts as perpetual infants for the benefit of a few who furtively control civilization, out of direct view. Why both worlds? Someone has to alert humanity to its current peril.

As virtual infants who are devoid of the necessary knowledge to live in the real context of nature based knowledge, we become like the living dead, zombies, waiting for ritual slaughter manifested in wars and religious sacrifice, or that cargo ship in the sky that will deliver to us by and by. We live in a fabricated, bread and circuses reality, designed to distract, alienate and to completely control. The distractions are myriad and many, keeping us busy chasing the illusory goals of greatness, power and ultimate success. False goals of greatness are offered like houses, cars, boats, planes, fame, vacations and bank accounts. All of these can vanish in an instant whether by catastrophe or deliberate design. Yet most continue to pursue these with the fervour of a fanatic. We busy ourselves perusing a chimera and are suppressed in our real inner expression. That must be bent to the will of another. That hidden other can do with us what they will including torture and periodic genocide. Worse, they convince us to do it to one another for them.

When it comes to agriculture, most people today are clueless. They do not know how to grow their own food, husband animals for milk, eggs and meat and they are unaware of slaughter, natural curing and storage. They lack the crucial sense of timing necessary for successful agriculture. Part of that timing for planting hinges on an intimate knowledge of the stars, sun and moon, what some falsely call the hocus-pocus of astrology. In our mainly urban and bright lit life, we have lost touch with this crucial understanding that the elders and ancients knew as well as we know how to drive and fly. Further, most people are completely unaware of how their food is grown and prepared. The backdrop for the current reality is all about the money and the profit motive that greases and runs the process of civilization that for the most part is about aggrandizing wealth and accruing power at the expense of everything and everyone else. In more “primitive” areas of the world, 98 percent of the population is involved with agriculture and 2 percent do something else. By contrast, in N. America, agriculture is big business, run by 2 percent of the population. 98 percent are doing something else. Agribusiness is extremely profitable, run on vast tracts of land and practising monoculture. The FDA and Monsanto are deeply involved. Even animals for food are produced in factory settings in conditions of unbelievable cruelty. These animals are often doped up on drugs to prevent disease from overcrowded and filthy conditions, to promote growth and keep them docile. Plants are also “medicated” with potent poisons to prevent disease, to promote growth and stop insect infestation and competition. These drugs end up in the consumer who eats the meat or by products and mass produced agribusiness produce and these toxins compound with medications most people are on as prescribed by their doctors in unknown ways. It is a process identified as biological magnification. The result is extreme toxification from all food sources traditionally used by civilized industrial society. Most people don’t have access to land to grow their own food and most are not interested, being caught up in the dance for great wealth and power, even though this avenue is also blocked. 98 percent of industrialized nation inhabitants are in fact completely alienated from nature! If civilization were to collapse right now, most of these people will be dead in a month from now. It has happened to complex civilizations in the past and we are not immune from the vagaries of nature and nature is on the move with a lot of “help” from our industry. Within historical context, we are aware of the collapse of the 4th dynasty of Egypt and the 6th century weather catastrophe that changed the course of history, laying the foundations for our current civilization. Both periods were followed by a prolonged "dark age".

We are kept in an immature state very much like pets. In the wild, dogs and cats are predators that live off what they can capture, kill and devour. In the wild, the Australian Aborigine, the Kalahari Bushman and Amazonian tree people can live in hostile environments that would quickly kill their civilized counterparts. The process of conquest includes the idea of separating the generations so that the children lose the contact with nature that their parents can transmit to them. This crucial knowledge is replaced with confusing gibberish, which is what constitutes much of religious teachings. The sole purpose is to usurp the minds of the young and mold them to ones own ends. Pliny the elder summed it up when he stated that in all his travels and encounters with the myriad of beliefs and gods within differing cultures the one consistent pattern that always stood out was the forces of nature alone and not acts of angered imaginary deities. When Pompeian people shuddered under the explosion of Vesuvius in 70 AD, It was Pliny who understood the basic nature of what was going on, while others rued the fact that temples to deities were not built in a timely way. The money for temples was instead accrued by the wealthy for personal use in the period leading up to the moment of catastrophe. Pliny the elder perished from the explosion and it was left to his son to carry on to carry on to tell the history in factual terms.

Only a relative few comprehend what is going on and the complex web of interrelated events and processes that make up nature. To sum up, in order for complex life to even exist as we know it, there must be in operation a simultaneous set of conditions in operation, any one of which if missing, spells the demise of complex life. Even the learned are ignorant of much around them due to over specialization. It takes an inter-disciplinarian to begin to understand these ideas. Specialization and narrow focused world views will kill us, especially during a natural catastrophe. If people rely on salvation from some outside source during crisis, they are bound for disappointment. Instead, a worthy pursuit would be to learn at an early age, just how to survive in the wild, or at least how to care for plants and animals which form the base of our food pyramid.

But to effectively control a population, you must make them dependant upon your mercies even if you are not inclined to mercy. What this means is, that if you no longer need the services of certain sectors of the population, simply cut them off and let nature dispatch them! That way one’s hands are apparently free of blood stains, simply because connections cannot or will no be made by most. An effective tool in the promotion of such a pogrom is hate mongering. Religion often plays a crucial role in this. We become contemptuous of others on the fabrication and lies, propagandized by the wealthy and powerful. We are led to believe that it is the will of God that certain people are worthy of destruction. We are even encouraged to believe that natural calamities are a result of the failure to dispatch these undesirables. We are trained to rely on deliverance by some cosmic cargo from the sky instead of real self reliance on the natural world in a hands on manner.

The waiting is the hardest part; waiting for the return of the gods

Captivated by an unknown power that is high science

What the "gods" can do

laser pumped flying saucer


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