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America's 4th Revolution

Updated on October 30, 2012

Tea Party Muddling to Maturity

The Tea Party sprung up seemingly from nowhere, but there is a deep seated and long history behind the movement.
The Tea Party sprung up seemingly from nowhere, but there is a deep seated and long history behind the movement. | Source

The Neo-Fundamentalist Tea Party

First there was 1776 when the fledgling 13 colonies revolted against various taxes imposed by Britain including the tax on tea that caused for starters, the Boston Tea Party, where bales of tea were dumped into the ocean to protest against the various taxes being imposed on the colonies from afar. After this were the painful costs of the civil war that drove the new Republic into bankruptcy and then the capitulation to British loans and the redrafting of the US constitution as the “Constitution if the United States” making the US a corporation. Then in 1980 when Reagan got into power, there was the revolution on the right as it was called when the economy was deregulated that led to the collapse of 2008. Right on the heals of all this came a new protest movement when the middle class began its descent into the ranks of the impoverished working class. Out of the “broken promises” of “stay the course” Obama, the fundamentalist right began to organize the lower middle class Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christian middle class to create the seeds of the latter day Tea Party that has rocketed in the poles to eclipse both Democrats and Republicans together. Thus the neo-fundamentalist Tea Party is a further move to the right and does nothing to represent anyone but their own interests. It is an outgrowth of a mushrooming economic crisis.

The erstwhile leader, Keli Carender, of the movement was originally a supporter of Obama just because they wanted George Bush out of the way. Unfortunately, all they got was Democratic version of Bush in the form of Obama who continued Bush's polices to the letter. It was clear to almost everyone that both traditional parties were identical. Hence, the response was to create a third party. George Bush and company representing big oil, big banks and CEOs of mega-corporate America followed by capitulating Obama are all described as neo-cons, a.k.a. new conservatives. Thus to have another neo-conservative party in reaction to the established neo-cons places them to the right of Obama who they call a socialist. Believe it, Barack Obama is no socialist, unless helping the rich at the expense of the toilers and poor is socialism, which it is not! Socialism is all about collectivism and not collecting the bill.

The new leader of a new and reworked neo-con so called libertarian Tea Party began in Seattle right after a protest against Obama's stimulus package for the rich in 2009. From there it mushroomed into burgeoning national movement. Part of the reason for the rapid expansion was the internet that helped the movement “go viral” due to the 30 something crowd being at home in this environment. A video aimed at a growing and disaffected population won a landslide of support. As of October 2010, the Tea Party has some 89 % of popular support and the other two neo-con parties only 11 % between the two of them.

Watch words of the Tea Party shouted out loud and clear are “Freedom, Liberty, Capitalism and Leave me alone”. These middle class people do not want to fall into the working class as has been going on a lot over the last couple of years. In an earlier article dealing with the collapsing American middle class entitled “American Middle Class & Jobs Shrink in Sub-Prime Shock” we stated the reasons.

Why are we witnessing such fundamental changes? Among what we have stated, globalizing and "free trade" that capitalist politicians and business leaders insisted would be so good for the middle and working class have had some nasty side effects. They didn't tell us that the "global economy" would mean that middle class American and Europeans and working class would have to directly compete for jobs with people on the other side of the world in “developing nations” where there is no minimum wage, no health or safety standards, nor environmental controls and very few regulations. The global mega-corporations have greatly benefited by exploiting third world labor over the last several decades, but particularly since the economic collapse of 2009-09. But American middle class and workers have increasingly found things to be very tough at home.

Some statistics suffice to tell the story:

  • 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.

  • 61 percent of Americans usually live paycheck to paycheck in 2009-10, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.

  • 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans.

  • 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.

  • A staggering 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.

  • 24 percent of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.

  • Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008. There are even more for 2010 which is not available yet.

  • Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975.

  • For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.

  • In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.

  • As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets.

  • The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.

  • Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008.

  • In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector. This one fact will soon change as many states and cities declare bankruptcy.

  • The top 1 percent of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America's corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago.

  • In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.

  • More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.

  • For the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.

  • This is what American workers now must compete against: in China a garment worker makes approximately 86 cents an hour and in Cambodia a garment worker makes approximately 22 cents an hour. In India, the average worker makes about $40-$41 US per month, which is less than the 22 cents per hour in Cambodia for the 14 plus hours they work in a day.

  • Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010, the highest rate in 20 years.

  • Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009. This figure is somewhat deceptive due to devaluation.

  • The top 10 percent of Americans now earn around 50 percent of our national income.

  • The highest per capita rate of incarceration on the planet is in the US with nearly a million in jail for mere possession of marijuana. Many prisons being built are private prisons where chain gangs and torture are now used as incentives.

  • The US has gotten around child labor laws with private for profit, delinquency detention centers for youth. Youth can end up there for years for misdemeanors like graffiti or “inappropriate behavior” in school. Corrupt judges accepting payola from big companies sentence children to these centers for years at a time under loose “community service” legislation.

  • The existence of camps since the turn into the 20th century that have been periodically used now number some 800 detention centers mostly under the direction of FEMA. Many New Orleans victims of Katrina still live three. Photographs of these centers show them to be nothing more than fenced in concentration camps.

  • New extradition laws means that the US can harvest detention labor from other sovereign nations. This has already been accomplished in three well publicized cases.

The reality is that no matter how smart, how strong, how educated or how hard working American workers are, they just cannot compete with people who are desperate to put in 10 to 15 hour days, and up to 7 days a week at less than a dollar an hour on the other side of the world. What corporation in their “right mind” is going to pay an American worker 10 times more (plus benefits) to do the same job? In the Auto sector, some workers were getting as much as $90 per hour. Needless to say, those jobs were packed off to the east with the means of production. The world is fundamentally changing. Wealth and power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global corporations are making massive amounts of money. Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence, pushed into the working class and U.S. workers are being merged into the new "global" labour pool. In America, the workers who are “benefiting” from jobs, are those in private for profit prisons where prisoner workers produce and manufacture goods to pay for “food and lodging” without a wage of any sort, New legislation means that prisoners waive rights and voting privileges under the Constitution and therefore have no recourse to object or lodge a complaint.”

The Tea Party offers the same solution as kerosene offers a fire fighter for fighting an inferno. They are right of the right and fulfil the same role in history as the Nazi party functioned during the depression in the context of the Versailles Treaty between 1929 and 1939. We add to the statistics that the state admits that there are 4 million new cases of extreme poverty in the richest country on the planet. Clearly something is terribly wrong and we know just what it is. But we will examine that solution after we expose some of the outrageous lies of the Tea Party. Lie number one equates Obama as a Muslim and therefore by implication; a terrorist possibly allied with the Al-Queda. There are no doubts that Obama is not for the people, but all he has done is “stay the course” for war against the Muslims, thus cannot be a Muslim or part of the Al-Queda. He is four square for big capitalism with his TARP program and bailouts as the major historical proofs as to what he is about. When he attempts a weak reform at Medicare, suddenly everyone gets squeamish. One thing the Tea Party has right is to “Vote No One” which is similar to our “None of the Above” at voting time, but the Tea Party is included in none of the above!

The charge that Obama is collecting increased taxes from a shrinking middle class and giving it to the poor is fallacious; the money went to bail out big banks and the war effort for resources in the Middle East. Now the banks loaned; at interest, more loans to cover debts and bad old loans. The poor got squat, but are the target of the neo-fundamentalist, Bible waving Tea Party because they are an easy patsy. This is because, like we have often repeated, that poverty is the most effective means of censorship. The poor have no voice and thus the victims of the sub-prime and economic collapse are being blamed for the circumstances that the Federal Reserve, Barack Obama and both main parties put them in. Now the Tea Party vituperates against a helpless victim to gain support for themselves. This compares to the recent mass eviction of Roma Gypsies in France near the end of 2010 who were targeted when they were no longer required in the equation of shock capitalism. Instead of going to these victims with a genuine solution and an offer of support, the Tea Party is adding insult to injury and are thus no revolution except in name only and to the extremist right, just like the Nazis and Fascists of yesteryear. We have also warned against this kind of danger in the past when we commented on a popular online article, “The History of the Future”. We commented in the website of the Revolutionary Liberation Gospel about this cycle:

The ruling class learns from history and the slaves, peasants, labourers, beggars and criminals learn a censored version riddled with myth that raises the ruler to the state of infallibility and absolute perfection, like a god as defined in myth. The ruler knows and learns the lessons of history and makes sure that these lessons are kept from the ruled, who are doomed as a consequence to repeat errors almost on a generational cycle. The rulers do everything they can to keep from repeating historical errors; they learn from mistakes! The rulers pass on their knowledge to heirs and the "worthy" among them [like Obama] to take forward this torch to keep in ruler-ship and the ruled in the dark. In fact; historically, some rulers have elevated themselves to the status of self appointed gods, demanding worship of the ruled on pain of death. The history they learn and the history they give to us are two different accounts of past events that lead to the common present moment of class division. More than at any time in history, the secret history is being revealed and the ruled must learn this time and have an understanding equal to the oppressor. This way the battle field of understanding will be on a more real, materialistic and balanced playing field than ever before.

Historically, those who ruled, whether church, aristocrat, bourgeoisie or tyrant, did not even want the people to have the ability to read or calculate. Famous in this regard is the Catholic Church that conducted masses in Latin and made no Bibles available to the masses. It took the Luther revolution of printing Bibles in the people’s language and the rising bourgeois who learned to read to put an end to the dark ages of ignorance under the Catholic theocracy, where even kings had to bow. The masses were kept ignorant so they could be more easily manipulated. This basic fact is still true in the class war of opposing classes; the exploiter and the exploited.

Another example is the destruction of the First Nations people by "re-educating" the children away from traditional values of their own parents. This created an ignorance of the old ways and total dependency on the exploiters, who as it turned out, were in no way dependable. This separation between generations allowed a reprogramming and the destruction of entire cultures and civilizations for the benefit of the conquering exploiter, who used desperate, equally ignorant settlers to force open the "new territory". Settlers usually formed the front lines in the Indian Wars against the First Nations. This went on for over a century of intensity beginning with the Revolutionary War in 1776.

From youth on up, we among the proletariat are raised in patriotism which is the other side of the coin of xenophobia, upon which all wars and divisions are based. Wars of course make huge profits, but they are also tools of pain compliance by example, where the healthiest youth are murdered, injured or driven insane. This leaves the weak and sick to reproduce, weakening the exploited as a class in entirety. It is the furtive side of eugenics on an international scale. Eugenics and racial hygiene were invented to justify genocide, which has been going on virtually since 1492 in the "New World". It really picked up in 1540 and thereafter in the first of the Indian Wars. From there it spread to Africa, the Middle East, Asia and beyond in a world wide program to keep people at war with one another. This divide is artificial and forms the boundary between those who know the truth and those who know falsely by what they are taught.”

The November 2010 mid term elections are come and went wuth a turn away from the Democrats to the Republicans, but also a turn toward this extremist neo-fundamentalism. Neo-fundamentalism appeals to the Christian right wing in the US, who have had runs at power in the past with their choice presidents of Reagan and Bush senior, but they were not a “Tea Party” then. The Tea Party label harkens back to the Boston Tea Party in a revolt against unfair taxation from the British monarchy in the precursor to the 1776 Revolution. Today's revolt is against the collecting of taxes ostensibly to hand out to beggars, but instead is going to banks to service unsustainable interest on massive multi-trillion dollar loans, CEOs and the industrial military complex. In reality, the US people are going though the shock doctrine of absolute capitalism of Milton Friedman that has been projected in past on the southern cone of South and Central America and in Iraq. Now the dirty buzzard of the Chicago School of Milton Friedman has come home to roost with a vengeance. The Tea Party hopes to gain beyond the mid term elections and lead an ignorant mass deeper into the capitalist morass. They protest the spending during record high debts and the increase to taxes at the same time. But it is the Fed with the nod from Obama that is doing a mass print of script money that is devaluing the dollar and driving up debt. This is reflected in the gold, silver, copper and oil prices that continue to rocket upward.

The problem is not Obama as they say, unless we acknowledge that Obama was a problem at the get-go, because he is the front person for the real, behind the scenes government run out of places like the Federal Reserve, and by oil magnates Rockefeller, Rothschild from Britain, Bush and the like for private benefit of a handful of people at everyone else's expense. Obama has no real say other than the fact that he was used to forestall a potential revolution. He was and is doing the job they hired him to do and this is why he is so much like Bush. Before he got elected, we commented on the closeness of Bush and Obama. Now that he is installed, the US military is on 18 hour standby notice against potential domestic instability. With 257 states and cities lined up for default, foreclosure and bankruptcy in the very immediate future, there should be plenty of cause for civil unrest in the days ahead.

As far as the Bible is concerned in which these neo-fundamentalists claim to believe in and support, they clearly do not know, or at least do not support the social gospel of the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles. If they did, they would not be victimizing the real victims of the financial melt down, but instead would ally with them for a real Christianity that has almost never been practiced.

Communists take a dialectical materialist approach to the problem and analyze it from a materialist perspective and have a materialist answer. The answer is not the extremist fascist right that is right of the neo-cons of the Democrats and Republicans. The answer lies in the hands of the toilers of the world who produce all real value and wealth and not in the hand of robber barons and fake “tea party” right wing revolutionists. Ther program is one that includes all the disaffected and exploited of capitalism and recognizes the need to establish an international collectivist socialist planned economy. This must be effected by education and organization into a single world wide union of toilers, unemployed, seniors and oppressed minorities. When this single world wide union goes on a strike of mass occupation mediated by workers councils everywhere in an act of dual power, then we will have made a major step toward real world communism for the people. All liars and exploiters will then have to give account for themselves to councils of the toilers for the crimes they committed against humanity and nature. Don't be fooled by look alike types in the form of the Tea Party and any other such middle class laissie faire capitalist sycophant clap trap. They are more of the same and we must move away from it all. At voting time vote; None of the Above! Then move in the only real direction for humanity.

The Tea Party Goes to Washington DC


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