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3D Printers

Updated on January 22, 2014

The Industrial Revolutions Has and Will Continue to Lead to Huge Societal Changes

One of the earliest technological innovations was the wool carding machine. This separated the wool fibers so that they could then be spun into usable material for knitting.
One of the earliest technological innovations was the wool carding machine. This separated the wool fibers so that they could then be spun into usable material for knitting. | Source
The hand operated spinning mule was another innovation that multiplied the effort of a single person to do the work of several. This led to lay-offs and social unrest.
The hand operated spinning mule was another innovation that multiplied the effort of a single person to do the work of several. This led to lay-offs and social unrest. | Source
Steam power essentially replaced human power on hand operated carding and spinning. Stem power could operate thousands of individual spinning mules. Before steam, water power in mills was used to the same, but not as efficient end.
Steam power essentially replaced human power on hand operated carding and spinning. Stem power could operate thousands of individual spinning mules. Before steam, water power in mills was used to the same, but not as efficient end. | Source
Steam was also put to use to deliver products and transport people. This single invention transformed entire continents in the US and the Americas.
Steam was also put to use to deliver products and transport people. This single invention transformed entire continents in the US and the Americas. | Source
Nikola Tesla brought in the next innovation with the poly-phase AC motor that replaced steam as the driver of industry.
Nikola Tesla brought in the next innovation with the poly-phase AC motor that replaced steam as the driver of industry. | Source
Henry Ford came up with the assembly line where each worker was tasked with a specific repetitive job that combined, resulted in a complete complex commodity.
Henry Ford came up with the assembly line where each worker was tasked with a specific repetitive job that combined, resulted in a complete complex commodity. | Source
The advent of the robot took the individual repetitive task worker out of the assembly line. A team of robots could be run by a single worker.
The advent of the robot took the individual repetitive task worker out of the assembly line. A team of robots could be run by a single worker. | Source
This early computer provided the blueprint of later computers that would lead to the nest phase of the industrial revolution when combined with robots and printers.
This early computer provided the blueprint of later computers that would lead to the nest phase of the industrial revolution when combined with robots and printers. | Source
3D printers now threaten to remove the worker entirely out of the manufacturing process across the whole spectrum of industry. What will workers do by way of gainful employment hereafter?
3D printers now threaten to remove the worker entirely out of the manufacturing process across the whole spectrum of industry. What will workers do by way of gainful employment hereafter? | Source

The Next Industrial Revolution and a Huge Paradigm Shift

A small article in the Vancouver June 3rd, 2013 issue of Metro suggests that the 3D printers now in use and being developed, represent a second industrial revolution that will be as society transforming as the first industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution (1760, 1820-1840 (1).) saw the emergence of the working class as a major player in global finance and power politics due to the development of machines to increase manufacturing. Prior to this, craft guilds existed that made everything by hand and skills were passed through the generations in the families involved in manufacture. The second one that commenced in 1984 (3) will see the end of machine assisted manufacturing industry as we know it and the end of huge factories where millions of workers make a living all around the world. 3D printers will soon be making everything on demand as needed, locally, with no surplus. They can be made to any size to accommodate what is being made. Today, they make things in plastic, but some are being developed to work with metals and alloys. All of them are run be computer programs that have coded plans to make whatever the user wants in parts and in whole. As change goes, this represents one of those qualitative changes that George Hegel expounds upon as well as Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. The change introduced by this new way of manufacturing anything on demand means profound changes for society and our attitudes. It can either mean the beginning of a leisure society for all, or the end of the working class as the current structure and powers of society carry forward their plan of eugenics in getting rid of no longer “useful idiots” and all the “useless eaters” via austerity and war. Two separate elements now merge in current history to map the future of humanity. Will it include all of us, or a select few?

There have been plenty of news events concerning 3D printers and the availability of download codes for the making of firearms. Further, these have been made, tested and fired over and over again and recorded by video and news journalists. 3D printers can make anything else, but the focus appears to be on the ease of making of firearms (7, 8). Thus the emergence of this technology is both a possible boon and blessing as well as a horrific curse. They are both a God send and a tool of the devil.

Current austerity measures are designed and targeted to end welfare and social services of all sorts for the working class of the world, point to the latter scenario, that is, mass eugenics. Meanwhile, the elite get bailed out, huge financial gifts through quantitative easing and derivative manipulations as well as soaring profits. The business of corporate welfare is booming. There are plenty of signs supporting this allegation. So does the ever expanding and so called perpetual war against terror. The wealthy of Australia are calling for the forced sterilization of anyone making less than $100,00 USD per year. Soaring youth unemployment in Europe shows no signs of lessening. The far right is emerging in Greece and other countries and are violently targeting immigrants and minorities. The Middle East is caught up in imperialist wars and most are in a state of chaos. The developed world has drifted into enclaves of police states where the police have been militarized, privacy is now acknowledged to be non existent due to the NSA exposure by Ed Snowdon and surveillance is a way of life.. People around the world are being disappeared. The media, controlled by corporations and banks “neglect” to tell the truth on most matters. People are being distracted by sports, stars and fashion. Changing climate is causing a food collapse. GMOs in the ecosystem are now known to be behind bee colony collapse. The climate, often geo-engineered with chemical blanketing in the stratosphere today, has run wild with unseasonal freezes, historic and biblical scale flooding, drought, super tornadoes and much else. Food is more and more difficult to grow and less and less available. We now stand in a world wide global dimming thought to be at 20% (4, 5) The capitalist sphere is out of control while everyone else is virtually legislated out of existence. Mass protest effects little today, unlike the past and there are reasons for this as well as solutions. The left is in disarray and confused and the right wing openly promotes fascism. Unlike any other time in the past, the need to change for the betterment of humanity is urgent. To take the negative option of doing nothing is an invitation to disaster such as never before witnessed in the sum of history.

Here is What is Replacing Every Process Thus Far Invented; and This is Just the Beginning!

The signs are all around for anyone to see, and yet, except for the leaderless meanderings of mass movements, the general population appears to be blind and deaf to the myriad of signs surrounding them everywhere. Mass protests effect very little today, unlike in the past. The writing is truly on the wall and it is as if everyone is illiterate. We stand closer to thermonuclear holocaust than anytime in history. We are in a more dangerous situation now than at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 (6). All major powers are gearing up for war and are involved in provocative war games. On or about May 5th, 2013, Damascus was subjected to a nuclear strike as acknowledged by three sources, one of which is from expert observers of nuclear explosions in the Veteran's Today newspaper (2). The attack is thought to have been against Syrian government military headquarters in Damascus by use of a small bunker buster nuke originating from Israel with US help. The nuclear genii is now out of the bottle and is thus an option of war along with the use of saran nerve gas. N. Korea has threatened the US with a nuclear strike and the US responded with war games and a new battery of sensors in Alaska despite sequestering legislation that passed just before the threat. The confirmed use of saran gas was a “red line” that the US president, Obama, stated “would be a trigger for direct intervention”. The problem is that the intervention occurred before the gas attacks on or about June 5th, 2013 (9).

Couple all of this with the elites war on the working masses through an active program of eugenics (read ethnic cleansing or blood bath) and the fact that the masses are by and large distracted, divided, deceived, undirected, ignorant and confused. Those designated as of no longer any productive value or use, such as those factory workers replaced by 3D printers, are designated as useless eaters destined for termination. Of course, the non-productive portion of humanity is growing by leaps and bounds, especially in a collapsing economy. Among the non productive sectors are the elite such as royalty and bosses the do no real work, but they are somehow immune from eugenic programs. They conceive and design the programs, and then implement means to execute them (double entendre intended). Today, the non-productive sections of humanity are managed by social programs as they remain and by bureaucrats and functionaries. When the main body of humanity is liquidated by eugenics programs, then these will fall into the same category and will be of no productive use and will meet the same fate. One may question this agenda as to its possibility, but recall history and the eugenics and depopulation efforts of the past, such as in the First Nations (10) and the efforts of the Nazis (11). There are some going on right now such as in West Papua (12, 13) against the aboriginal peoples there.

To liquidate a population, a several point program must be implemented and much of it already has been achieved. The first steps is to divide the masses and demonize various minorities, or even entire countries. This is active today all around the world. Demonizing is then ramped up to deculturalizing, segregating and excluding the target from the economy. Finally, some pretext is created to start a war and history shows false flags to be the favoured trigger to a military takeover and war. Today whole countries are subject to the process such as Iran, N. Korea and Cuba. Then come the wars and mass slaughter and the whole world sinks into wars of mass murder. The war is also on the domestic front, especially when war measures are adopted and the articles of war replace constitutional rights. Anyone can then be targeted as a domestic enemy.

The elite are aware that change must come, but they prefer the change to be their own way and not in the way that would be more equitable and just. They would rather hoard the resources of the world for their own pleasure than to share anything with others in a more equitable society based on economic democracy, where the real producers decide their own matters. The evidence of the world wide economic manipulations and political managed bailouts serves as more than adequate proof. To get the idea of who the real producers are, we have to look into history where all of value was created from resources from nature by those who farmed, mined, fished, raised animals, manufactured and distributed products. Now we are entering an era where 3D printers can take care of the manufacturing part. Robots will do the farming, mining, fishing and distribution part. Given this; who needs a working class? Thus, working people become replaced by machines, become redundant, useless and are no longer required in the economic equation of the elite. As the elite are concerned for their own safety and are not concerned for the care of the idled working class, they would rather be rid of them than overrun. The working class of the world has to become aware of this agenda and take steps to avoid the manufactured apocalypse that is being prepared for them. They then have to unite and stop this in its tracks before they are stopped in their own tracks. The hour is late and heroic whistle-blowers are spilling the beans of atrocities around the world and are being punished for their acts of bravery. We have our wake up call and now have to act against a multifaceted program of a manufactured apocalypse, the desired paradigm shift of the rulers of this world system.















Almost Everyone Knows About 3D Printed Guns


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